Thursday, June 19, 2014


 Spring time not only brings the busy season of seeding the crops, but it is also awards season!  Here are a few of what the girls earned:

 Rachel made the "A" Honor Roll all four quarters this school year!  Way to go Rach!!
 Rachel and Jordan participated in "Lace 'Em Up" basketball Camp.  They each won several different contests in their age division.  Very impressive considering the camp is typically quite large and not everyone gets an award.
 Jordan with her Reading Award and 2nd Grade awards on Awards Day in school.
 Jordan had a successful day at Track and Field!
 Sarah received her cookie prizes at the Girl Scout Court of Awards.
 Sarah earned a "Outstanding Attendance Award," "Reading Award" and "Math Award" at
 Awards Day.
She was also voted by her class to receive the "Citizenship Award."  This award is given to students who show kindness to others and are helpful in school.

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