Sarah participated in the Summer Drama production of "Rats! The Story of the Pied Piper" which I directed. The kids learned parts, scene blocking, songs and choreography in 2 weeks. They did awesome! Sarah played the role of a "rat." She had to be cunning and try to steal many things throughout the play. Eventually, she was turned into a "zombie rat" and led out of town by the Pied Piper. It was a great production and both of us had a lot of fun doing it.
The Rats of Hamelin!
"Ain't it great to be a rat!"
I have this choreography down!
What should we steal next?
Zombie Rats!
Sarah and her cousin, Paige (who played the child, Susan).
The Cast of "RATS!"
A very scared rat! The line by the Piper before this pose was, "Great show, huh! Better than CATS!"
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